
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenomics of cyclophosphamide in Rhabdomyosarcoma patients الحرائك الدوائية وعلم الأدوية الدوائي للسيكلوفوسفاميد في مرضى ساركومة العضلية // GP // DR.Rania Mohamed Labib // TA. Salma Wagih (2017-2018)

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenomics of cyclophosphamide in Rhabdomyosarcoma patients
الحرائك الدوائية وعلم الأدوية الدوائي للسيكلوفوسفاميد في مرضى ساركومة العضلية // GP // DR.Rania Mohamed Labib // TA. Salma Wagih (2017-2018) - Giza : MSA 2018 - 77 P. 30 CM. - PHARMACY DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2018 .

Pharmacy-Clinical Pharmacy

and asymmetric division that differentiate inside the body into
for example , Somatic cells. Stem cell is possible to identify two large
potential application fields of stem cells in diabetes mellitus: The
reconstruction of β cell mass, and helps in the treatment of complications.
Our target, find the mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of bone
marrow-derived mesnchymal stem cells in the suppression of DM Type 1.
Experimental design: Eighteen male Albino Wistar rats divided into three
groups , each Group having Six Rat Group I normal not diabetic and not
suffering from any biochemical disorder, Group II Rats which are STZinduced
diabetes group, Group III will be the Mesnchymal stem cells
treated group MSCs (1×105 cells/rat) injected via tail veins in rats with
STZ-induced diabetes. Blood glucose was measured spectrophotometry,
Interleukin 6 and GLUT4 were measured by Elisa, insulin genes 1 and
insulin genes 2 were measured by Real-time PCR. Insulin genes 1, insulin
genes 2 and GLUT4 levels were significantly elevated in treated group
compared to diabetic group (1). Interleukin 6 and blood glucose levels
were significantly decreased in treated group compared to diabetic group.
Mesnchymal stem cells may play an important role in treatment of T1DM

Pharmacy--Pharmacokinetics & pharmacogenomics--Clinical Pharmacy