
Impact of mircoRNA-125b expression as prognostic factor in acute myeloid leukemia تقييم المسار المعتمد ل 1-PVT-Lnc في تشخيص (21:8(t المرتبط باللوكيميا النخاعية الحادة // GP // Dr. Nashwa Nagy // Dr. Ahmed Nada (2017-2018)

Ashraqat Sami Ahmed 153515

Impact of mircoRNA-125b expression as prognostic factor in acute myeloid leukemia تقييم المسار المعتمد ل 1-PVT-Lnc في تشخيص (21:8(t المرتبط باللوكيميا النخاعية الحادة // GP // Dr. Nashwa Nagy // Dr. Ahmed Nada (2017-2018) - Giza MSA 2018 - 79 P. 30 CM. - BIOTECHNOLOGY DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2018 .


Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) associated with t(8;21)
is the most common karyotype abnormality in acute
myeloid leukemia; it is found in approximately 10 - 22% of
AML class M2 cases with maturation. The prognosis of t(8;21) associated AML is
controversial; whereas; some studies considered it favorable as it often associated
with a good respond to therapy , high rate to complete remission with prolonged
survival with free of disease, other studies investigated that t(8;21) AML have
adverse prognosis with poor outcome, less responsive to treatment, low overall
survival and fast rate of relapsing. The current study evaluated the role of lnc-PVT-
1/miR-1204/c-Myc pathway "RNA-DNA cross-link" as a predicator in stratification
of high risk t(8;21) associated AML. Moreover, it evaluated the impact of these
studied biomarkers on disease outcome using Syber green based qPCR. The study
showed that peripheral blood levels of lnc-PVT-1 is upregulated 6.5 folds in t(8;21)-
AML with highly significant when it compared to control group; Lnc-RVT1 is
significantly correlated with miR-1204 and c-Myc. In addition; the upregulation of
PVT1 is associated with poor disease outcome and short disease free survival.
Therefore, it was found that lnc-PVT1 dependent pathway as a prognostic marker
in t(8;21) associated AML and it represents a wide domain for research to reach a
solid evidence and implications in the clinical field.

Myeloid Leukemia