Arthur Albert 144083

Development of photochemical methods for water treatment RS502 // GP // DR. Christine Maged // TA. Lamice Abdelrahman (2017-2018) - Giza : MSA 2018 - 63 P. 30 CM. - PHARMACY DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2018 .

Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry

Levofloxacin is a commonly used antibiotic from the class of
fluoroquinolones. It was detected in traces in many aquatic systems. In
this work, photocatalytic degradation of Levofloxacin was conducted using
two types of photocatalysts nanoparticles; zinc oxide and graphene oxide
and a combination of both catalysts. A RP-HPLC/UV method was developed
for measuring the percentage of degradation for Levofloxacin(2). Different
factors influencing the degradation procedure were studied and optimized
such as the pH, the exposure time to UV light, the drug concentration and
the catalysts type/concentration using the fractional factorial design. The
catalyst type was found to be the most effective parameter followed by
the drug concentration. The procedure was successfully applied for
treatment of waste water samples of pharmaceutical company during
cleaning of the production machines (1). A percentage degradation of
99.85% was achieved using zinc oxide/grapheme oxide combination at pH
9±0.05, with UV light exposure time 1 hour. This protocol of waste water
treatment could be used in the production department of the
pharmaceutical companies. الليفوفلوكساسين هو نوع شهير من المضادات الحيوية الفليوروكينولونات. فى هذا البحث سوف نقوم بتكسير ضوئى
حفزى لليفوفلوكساسين باستخدام نوعين من المحفزات الضوئية أكسيد الزنك وأكسيد الجرافين ثم حساب نسبة التكسير
للعقار. مجموعة من العوامل هى اللى تتحكم بنسبة التكسير و هى مقياس الحمضية و وقت التعرض للاشعة فوق البنفسجية
و تركيز المضاد الحيوى و سيتم حساب العنصر الاكثر تأثيرا باستخدام تصميم العوامل. نجحنا فى الوصول الى نسبة
تكسير 99 ... % باستخدام مزيج من العاملين الحفازين

Pharmacy--photochemical methods--water treatment : Development--Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry