Kareem abdelfattah ahmed 151791

Direct Full Mouth Restorative \\ GP \\ Dr. HEBA TAHER \\ Dr. NERMINE HAMZA \\ Dr. TAREK NOUR ( 2018-2019 ) - Giza: MSA, 2019. - 10 P. ; 26 CM. - DENTISTRY DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2019 .

A 22 old male presented to MSA clinics with badly decayed teeth, The patient
was embarrassed form his smile. A treatment plan is set to restore esthetics without
affecting the function. Regarding the patient chief complain, the treatment plan
started with periodontal therapy (scaling & polishing) followed by conservative
therapy anteriorly then posteriorly. Endodontic treatment is done in 2 exposed teeth
followed by post and core placement then fixed prosthesis.

Mouth Restoration