
Post-harvest chilling injury of citrus fruit = الإصابة بالبرودة بعد حصاد ثمار الحمضيات \\ GP \\ Dr. Gehan Safwat \\ Dr. Gehan Ahmed \\ ( Fall 2019 )

Rasha Mahmoud Kandeel 162079

Post-harvest chilling injury of citrus fruit = الإصابة بالبرودة بعد حصاد ثمار الحمضيات \\ GP \\ Dr. Gehan Safwat \\ Dr. Gehan Ahmed \\ ( Fall 2019 ) - Giza: MSA, 2019. - 77 P.; - BIOTECHNOLOGY DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2019 .

Around 162,000 ha of oranges were planted within 2018/2019 in
Egypt, which has increased by 5.1% from the previous year. However,
only 148,850 ha were harvested. Prolonged storage at low, non-freezing
temperatures to maintain quality is the main cause of post-harvest chilling
injury of citrus fruits. As an overall symptom, the fruit with a chilling
injury will appear decayed and abnormally ripe. The application of
salicylic acid and hot water dips significantly reduces injury caused by
chilling. This study aims to test the efficiency of both methods on
‘Valencia’ orange fruits during cold storage at 5°C. Salicylic acid with a 3
mM concentration had an optimum reduction of decay percentage. The hot
water dips at 50°C was optimum in reducing peroxidase activity, at 45°C
was optimum in reducing the chilling injury index, at 55°C was optimum
on reducing the weight loss percentage. Both methods showed similar
effects of reducing the effect of polyphenol oxidase, pectinase and the total
soluble pectin.

citrus fruit.