
Library Services

  • Library Catalogue

The Koha Library catalogue is part of the open source Library system that MSA University uses. You can use the catalogue to search for books by title, author, subject heading, or keyword. You can also combine 2 or more search fields to achieve more accurate results. Ask the library staff if you need more help with this. By clicking on the required book you will have more details on where you can find it.

  • Information Desk

The enquiry or information desk is meant to help users find the information they need regarding a specific subject. Questions can vary from simply asking about the availability of a book to questions about having articles about any Subject.

  • Reading and Studying Spaces

The individual study area is located on the Third & Fourth floor including electronic library lab on second floor of Building L This area is provided for reading and studying individually. Talking or using cellular phones is not allowed.

  • Computers and Printing

The Library provides 125 computer machines for the use of students and staff. The use of computers is restricted to accessing databases or internet access for academic work only. MSA Library also provides the facilities of printing and scanning.

  • Online Databases

EKB (Egyptian Knowledge Bank) is one of the largest national projects that is concerned with education in Egypt, it aims to provide a huge and diversified sources for knowledge and culture for free, to all Egyptians.It comes after contracting with several international publishing houses to publish their contents in all scientific and cultural disciplines, to have the system for the new Egyptian cultural revolution completed.

(Egyptian Knowledge Bank) Official presentation

EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet or direct connection. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially-designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, school, medical, corporate, and government libraries.

JSTOR is a growing digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. JSTOR's archival journal collections include more than two thousand journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific journal collections are offered, covering more than 50 academic disciplines. We also offer access to more than 2 million digitized primary source objects.

Global Plants is a community-contributed database used by students and researchers worldwide.Global Plants lets herbaria share their plant type specimens, experts determine and update plant names, and students discover and learn about plants in context. The database is an essential resource for institutions supporting research and teaching in botany, ecology, and conservation studies.

Aluka is an online digital library focusing on materials about Africa Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes for Art and design. Aluka's mission is to connect scholars from around the world by building a common platform that allows online collaboration and knowledge sharing. Aluka's audience is higher education and research communities worldwide. Using Aluka, you can explore the archaeology, history and culture of Africa through its heritage sites and landscapes.