
Library Policies

  • General
  1. The library is a quiet working environment in which talking and mobile conversations are prohibited. Mobile phones should be set to Silent before entering the library.
  2. Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted in the library. Waste paper and other waste should be disposed of in the bins provided.
  3. Library computers should be used only for academic work.
  4. Books must not be taken from the library unless they have been officially borrowed and stamped with a return date.
  5. Users should not attempt to re-shelve books. Instead, they are required to leave them on the table to be re-shelved by the library staff.

  • Borrowing Books
  1. To register as a user, go with your University ID card, to the Library Circulation Desk.
  2. Students may have up to two books on loan at any one time for a period of seven days each (except for books labeled REF). Loans may be renewed for seven more days if the book is not required by another user. If you wish to renew the loan of a book, you should bring it back to the library for re-stamping. During the extended loan period, a book may be recalled at any time, and must be returned immediately.
  3. Staff may have up to three books on loan at any one time for a period of one semester.
  4. All books borrowed should not be passed on to other students or staff.
  5. If you reserve a book, you must collect it before 12:00 PM on the second working day after its return. Otherwise, it will be returned to the shelves and will be available for other users.
  6. Users will be charged the full cost of replacement or repair of lost or damaged books.
  7. Fines will be charged for the late return of books unless the delay is caused by illness or other reasons beyond the user's control. Evidence of illness or other circumstances will normally be required at the time of return.
  8. The level of fines charged will be displayed in the Library and on its website and may vary from time to time.
  9. CDs may not be borrowed.
  10. The following penalty system will be applied for the late return or non-return of books borrowed from the Library:

Two LE per book for each overdue working day during the first week after the return date stamped in the book.

Any book overdue for more than 4 weeks will be considered lost, In such a case, the user will be charged its cost plus 25% of the current price of the book (with a minimum of 20 LE) to cover the administrative overheads.

The previous overdue penalties will be added to the user's fees due at the end of the semester (if not paid before then).

To help ensure that no student will disadvantages others by keeping books for long periods before examinations, penalty fees will be doubled for four weeks before University examinations and during the examination period.

Penalties will also be doubled for the non-return of books that are recalled for the use of other readers.